Alessandro Lupi

  • Alessandro Lupi
    Alessandro Lupi
    Fluorescent density angolo
  • Alessandro Lupi
    Alessandro Lupi
    Fluorescent density material

Alessandro Lupi

Alessandro Lupi utilizes dynamic light, new media, sculpture and installation to present catalysts for otherworldly perceptions of space. Objects and sculptures allow the viewers to experience for themselves another world, with its own laws of physics, space and light. For the work "Fluorescent Densities" Lupi produces the effect of three-dimensional bodies by composing intricately hand-painted strings, illuminated by black light. The viewer is beckoned by the captivating scene into the work to discover the rules of perception in each. Only after first discovering how to perceive the work, one is able to determine what is shown and it appears that both - artwork and viewer - affect each other.

Lupi was born in Genua, where he studied at the Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti. He currently lives and works in Berlin. He has exhibited, among others, at the Kunsthaus Tacheles in Berlin, the Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean in Rome, the first art project of Bologna Palazzo Poggi Museum, the Hotel de Ville of Lyons and the Belgrade of Light in Serbia. For the occasion of the International Biennial of Havana in 2008, an installation was permanently exhibited in the space of Esquela Nacional de Bellas Artes S.Alejandro. In 2010, he presented his solo exhibition "Lichtung", site-specific to Halle am Wasser Berlin and inaugurated a permanent sculpture at the Trubar House of Literature, commissioned on the occasion of Ljubljana’s appointment as World Book Capital by the UNESCO. In 2012 he presents his "Reminiscence" solo show in Paris.